1st stage of renovation of the Forge of the Future

From November 2022 to April 2023: renovation of the Forge of the Future

The first stage of renovation of the forge of the future took place from November 2022 to the end of April 2023, it focused on the first floor of the building. The floor, electricity and amenities have been redone. The roof, heating and air conditioning system will undergo a second renovation which will take place from December 2023 to April 2024.

The renovation was done respecting the history and the charm of the place, preserving the original materials and in a sustainable way.

The building sought energy autonomy while respecting the constraints of the city. The objective was to make the forge of the future a third place open to Venetians wishing to contribute to creating a radiant future for their city, but also to other associations, companies and institutions in order to decompartmentalise the worlds and unite the good willingness to provide concrete and innovative solutions to the challenges facing Venice. The forge of the future is the headquarters of SUMus. Its vocation is to host symposiums, citizens' meetings, film screenings, debates as well as exhibitions whose theme will be in strong affinity with the values ​​and raison d'être of SUMus. ​The forge of the future could also become a biennial pavilion as long as there too the themes are in support of SUMus news.

To see more information about the Forge of the Future please CLICK HERE .