Our method

An “International Think tank” and a “Venetian Do tank”

SUMus considers experimentation and leading by example to be most important.
This is why SUMus is both an “International Think Tank” and a “Venetian Do Tank”. SUMus is represented in the form of a “flower”.

The heart of the flower ( the Think-tank ) is the common platform that carries the vision, the values, the awakening of consciences and the shared tools. SUMus provides everyone with knowledge, skills, digital and artificial intelligence tools to help with decision-making and project management.

The petals of the flower ( the Do-tank) represent ecosystems carrying concrete projects bringing together different actors mobilized around the same objective (education, health, food, work, etc.) working in symbiosis and in harmony.

SUMus offers or welcomes, in each of these areas, citizen initiatives to involve the inhabitants and especially young people around their place of life. Partnerships with local authorities and institutions sharing the same values ​​and the vision of a future reinvented in harmony with the living are tied.

The Do-tank are autonomous in their operation, there are no real centralizing powers, each competent and decentralized collective is linked to the others by the common vision of a shared ideal and the protection of the common good.