Our partners

Thank you to our partners

Our first international partners

Inner Development Goals (IDGs) is a non-profit organization for inner development.
They seek out, collect and communicate science-based skills and qualities that help them lead meaningful, sustainable and productive lives. The Domestic Development Goals framework is fundamental to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

For nearly 60 years, they have celebrated, protected and defended cultural heritage.
Covering more than 40 countries, Europa Nostra is recognized as the largest and most representative heritage network in Europe. It maintains close relations with the European Union, the Council of Europe, UNESCO and other international bodies. Their mission, vision and path for the future are articulated around seven interrelated thematic goals and priorities.

The New European Bauhaus is a creative and interdisciplinary initiative that connects the European Green Deal to our living spaces and experiences.
The NEB initiative invites us all to imagine and build together a sustainable and inclusive future that is beautiful to our eyes, minds and souls. Beautiful are the places, practices and experiences that are:

  • Enriching, inspired by art and culture, meeting needs beyond functionality.
  • Sustainable, in harmony with nature, the environment and our planet.
  • Inclusive, encouraging dialogue across cultures, disciplines, genders and ages.

Non-profit association which aims to help humanity create a more equitable, sustainable and peaceful world by bringing together all the energies which, throughout the world, are fighting for a better future and to bring about a new paradigm centered on man, all living beings and nature. A first forum was organized.

INCO is a global group that is building a new, ecological and inclusive economy in 50 countries. INCO invests and supports innovative companies, future leaders of this economy. INCO trains and supports all those who wish to pursue one of the professions of tomorrow into employment.

Foundation created by Generali, one of the world's largest insurers. It extends Generali's goal of providing the most vulnerable with "a more secure future by safeguarding their lives and dreams." The foundation's mission is to unlock the potential of people living in vulnerable situations, so that they can transform the lives of their families and communities. It unites the forces of NGOs and the private sector, in Europe, Asia and South America.

Les Ailes de Venise is a web media whose mission is to strengthen cooperation between the Francophonie and Italy by contributing to the education of citizenship and by participating in cultural, artisanal and event projects. Its objective is to work on a vision of collaborative and sustainable travel. Close collaboration was initiated on the ground with local Venetian stakeholders.

Founded in 1975, the IGS Group is a federation of independent non-profit associations (law 1901), offering 5 areas of activity: schools, work-study, apprenticeship, continuing training, professional integration and transition.

GMAP is a think tank dedicated to the analysis and forecasting of changes in the 21st century. It brings together researchers and professionals from different disciplines and sectors, working at the crossroads of their expertise and experience. GMAP is at the origin of the “Challenges of Globalization” conference with IHEID (Geneva), the Central University of Finance and Economics (Beijing), FIUC, Binghamton University (New York).

Mileva is an artificial intelligence system specializing in the analysis and forecasting of complex situations, combining classical and quantum mathematics. Its dashboards make it both an observatory, a barometer, a compass and a decision-making tool. Mileva counts among its references international organizations, universities, NGOs, and private companies.

Starname is a fully decentralized blockchain-based name service. It is the connection between the internet we all know and the complex ecosystem of blockchains. It allows users to create custom names representing their desired identities.

Our first Venetian partners

The International University of Venice is a cutting-edge education and research center located on the island of San Servolo in the Venice Lagoon. It was founded in 1995 on the initiative of the two universities of Venice, Ca' Foscari and IUAV, the Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich, the Universitat Autonoma of Barcelona, ​​Duke University and the Venice Foundation. She carries out national and international research projects.

Located in the Church of San Lorenzo in Venice, Ocean Space opened in March 2019 as a global center to catalyze ocean research through the arts. This new Ocean Embassy promotes engagement and collective action on the most pressing issues facing the oceans today.

The Peggy Guggenheim Collection is a museum of 20th century modern art created by the American patron Peggy Guggenheim (1898-1979). In 1948, the collection was exhibited at the first post-war Venice Biennale. It was then that Peggy Guggenheim bought the Palazzo Venier dei Leoni, an unfinished 18th century palace on the Grand Canal where she would live for 30 years, and which today houses her museum where works by the great masters of the 20th century are exhibited. .

The project to restore the world's first public opera house in Venice is motivated by an ethic of sustainable regeneration of the Serenissima, based on its cultural tradition. The opera will be rediscovered in its original setting. It will be Venice at its most exhilarating.

Born in 2018 from the idea of ​​a group of friends to give life to a project that would protect the lagoon territory and create new opportunities for meeting and confrontation for the city's community, Venice Calls is an association for social promotion , APS. The soul of the association is focused on three essential points: the territory, the community and innovation.

Our first French partners

There is no transformation possible without giving a voice to those who bring it to life. This conviction has been driving Grand Public agency for more than 30 years, managed since 2012 by Laurent Sablic and Frédéric Gilli. Grand Public offers co-construction, sharing and communication solutions to managers engaged in the transformation of businesses, institutions and territories.

La Tour du Valat, a research institute for the conservation of Mediterranean wetlands, carries out numerous activities with partners in the North and South of the Mediterranean basin.

A key player in business risks for more than half a century, Albingia is an independent French insurance company. Through its seven regional delegations, the company has made the strategic choice to rely exclusively on a network of brokers. Albingia offers a range of insurance solutions dedicated to business risks, divided into nine branches of activity .

The Petites Lumières project, created in 2014 by Chiara Pastorini, is to support children (and adolescents!) in the playful discovery of philosophy, by combining reflection and creativity.

The association is an official partner of the UNESCO Chair in Philosophy for Children and of ICPIC (The International Council of Philosophical Inquiry with Children).

The Domaine du Possible School is open to children from kindergarten to grade 3. It is inspired by pedagogies based on cooperation, children's curiosity and an active experience of learning.

Agir pour le Vivant aims to organize a long-term program of reflections and territorial experiments in order to rethink the way in which the whole of Living comes together and our way of inhabiting the world today.

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