Launch of the campaign on social networks

Since April 2024 – “We Care, We Dare, We Share” network campaign

The exhibition of Mille Donne di Venezia and Women of the World which was held at the end of 2023 in Venice was an opportunity to bring 150 pioneers of the Living to Venice for the 1st forum of possibilities entitled We Care We Dare We Share a Heartful , Peaceful and Regenerative Future. These personalities from all over the world came to illustrate through their testimonies and experiences that a new societal model is possible to leave a better world to future generations.
SUMus took the opportunity to interview them.

A We Care We Dare We Share communication campaign launched in April 2024 made it possible to broadcast these interviews as well as extracts from the 1st Forum of Possibles. Join us on the networks and don't hesitate to broadcast!

SUMus initiated the Sumus WoMen around a manifesto on the occasion of the Mille Donne di Venezia and WOW (Women of the World) exhibition.
For many, Venice is a woman , she carries within herself the power of the feminine which must awaken everywhere in the world to allow the emergence of a peaceful, joyful and sustainable society. Many Venetian women were historically global pioneers in their time. This is why SUMus decided to honor these historic Venetian women, as well as the women living in Venice today who carry this essential feminine heritage. This tribute will be paid through an artistic exhibition in November and December 2023 on Campo San Lorenzo.
The artist Pierre Maraval , known for his viral works, took photos, from May 2023 to September 2023 , of Venetian women who wish to contribute to creating a better world for future generations and who recognize themselves in the theme of the exhibition “ We care, We dare” .
The work is viral, that is to say that the first women to take the photo asked other women to be part of it and so on. It is a spontaneous virality , all women whatever their age, whatever their origin, whatever their status were invited to participate in this collective work as long as they live in Venice or on the surrounding islands or on Terra Ferma, and that they wish to contribute to creating a new positive dynamic in their city.
The 1000 portraits initiated an internet artistic platform WOW (Women of the World) which will then be open to all women around the world in order to generate a global momentum of sorority and thus awaken the feminine forces alone capable of healing humanity and heal the planet.
To access the Sumus WoMen manifesto, you can click HERE for the English version and HERE for the Italian version .


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