Val's sculpture "From Chaos to Wisdom" at the Venice Conservatory of Music

December 13, 2022: Installation of Val's sculpture "From Chaos to Wisdom" at the Venice Conservatory of Music

Val's sculpture, which was exhibited during the 2022 contemporary art biennale in the Forge of the Future, continues its adventure and settles in the main courtyard of the palace which houses the Venice music conservatory. Indeed, quantum physics has shown that we are only vibrations, music can thus create the harmony which is the primary intention of this work of art. This sculpture therefore takes on its full meaning within this marvelous setting. The inauguration of this installation will take place officially in January 2023, it will be an opportunity to talk about the importance of vibrational frequencies on our bodies and our minds and to listen to a concert on the frequency of 432 hertz which directly addresses in the heart.