Exhibition “From Chaos to Harmony”

From April 9, 2022 to October 2, 2022: From Chaos to Harmony at the Forge of the Future

Forge of the Future

From April 9 to October 2, 2022, La Forge du Futur opened its doors before its renovation to participate in the 2022 biennial with a first exhibition entitled "From Chaos to Harmony", Sumus thus anchored its primary intention to heart of Venice: participate in the awakening of consciences to co-create a harmonious world with the Living!

Exhibition From Chaos to Harmony

Climate change, biodiversity degradation, pollution, ocean acidification, exclusion, armed conflict….
Isn't humanity a victim of itself, a victim of the Anthropocene?
Wouldn't the current chaos be an opportunity to make a metamorphosis, a quantum leap in consciousness?
Our behaviors are the result of our limiting beliefs which impose themselves on us like so many invisible barriers. How to overcome them, how to reconnect with our heart, our soul, our body?
How to get out of an egotistical world and grow in wisdom so that our new interiority thus projects a new materiality...before it's too late?
Einstein said " it is not possible to solve a problem at the same level of consciousness as the one who created it" and Gandhi "be the change you want for the world ". These are two quotations which were the starting point of this first exhibition.
Sumus chose to open the fucina del futuro before its renovation, symbolically in chaos (!) to welcome 3 visionary artists who each interpreted in their own way the opening of consciousness as a key to accessing the new world:
 3 different and complementary illustrations that allowed to address in turn the heart, the mind and then the body!
The exhibition revolved around the sacred number 7.
The 7 because it evokes the scale of progression, the different degrees of consciousness, the 7 heavens (Islam, Christianity), or even the 7 stages on the initiatory path! Indeed, science and quantum physics lead us today to consider that the universe is not limited to the four dimensions that are familiar to us and in which we live daily, but that it also includes seven vibrational dimensions carrying energy and information and that matter is in fact only extremely compacted energy.

The 7 symbolizes the totality of the Universe by associating the 3 (number of the sky, the divine and the trinity) and the 4 (number of the earth and the manifested world), as a call to harmoniously combine materiality and spirituality.

7 is also the number of transcendence ! And isn't this what is asked of us?… to transcend ourselves for future generations, to bequeath to them a lasting, regenerated world?

With this first exhibition, Sumus (which means “we are” in Latin) invited each visitor to ask themselves the question: “Who am I? »
The entire Sumus team and all our partners have come together to create a vibrant visit and a magnificent inner journey to discover everyone!