What societal model?
Humanist and regenerative, whose main ally is the intelligence of the Living and its power, in order to bequeath a revitalized, abundant, sustainable and inclusive society to our children.
What is the Living?
It is everything that carries life, humans, animals, plants, minerals. It is an exceptional intelligence which has been developing for more than 4 billion years and which has already developed infinite strategies in all areas from which we should draw inspiration to resolve our planetary challenges and accelerate the current mutations.
Why Venice?
Because Venice has repeatedly been a pioneer in all areas (political, economic, artistic, etc.) and it carries innovation in its genes.
Because it is universal and therefore has the capacity to influence other cities around the world.
And finally, because it is built on water and water is the source of Life!
SUMus is a positive and cooperative citizen movement , a link between committed citizens, associations, businesses, finance, and administration who believe in a better future and who wish to contribute to its realization. Our actions revolve around 3 priorities:
– Humans : helping them grow in humanity, drawing inspiration from ancestral wisdom, putting more philosophy into their daily lives for better knowledge of themselves and the Universe to develop their full potential and their talents in order to enrich the community.
– the Earth : thanks to new agricultural methods inspired by living things, regenerate the quality of the soil and the nutritional quality of food for better health of the planet, farmers and consumers.
– Water : creating a new economic, academic and cultural ecosystem around aquatic intelligence through the science of life, biomimicry.
“ Never doubt that a small number of willing and thoughtful citizens can change the world; in fact, it always happens like this. » Margaret Mead
A “Think Art” and “Do tank”
SUMus considers that the society of tomorrow will be increasingly organized around places of life such as towns and villages and that the most important thing will be experimentation and the strength of example . This is why SUMus is both an international “Think tank” and a Venetian “Do tank” , which uses the universal language of art to engage citizens (the art tank).
Co-construct a new societal model in harmony with the Living
It's time for our consciousness to rise, it's time to put the intelligence of nature at the heart of a humanist renaissance and to join forces to co-create new healthy, regenerative, prosperous, inclusive lifestyles , benevolent and cheerful.
The experimental method “Little Lights” has demonstrated numerous advantages promoting greater behavioral maturity in children , as well as better speaking and critical expression allowing for better living together.
The next training for adults will take place on the weekends of:
January 11 and 12, 2025
January 25 and 26, 2025
May 10 and 11, 2025
by the creator Chiara Pastorini for Venetians wishing to deploy this Little Lights methodology in different educational establishments or cultural centers.
If you would like to register, please contact us directly.
No training or knowledge is required. The training is open to everyone and in particular to teachers (kindergarten, elementary school, etc.).
The 1st edition of the festival will take place from March 21 to March 25, 2025 . This original festival is aimed at all audiences large and small, Venetian and international. This year, it will carry the theme of water intelligence.
This festival is original in its content as in its form, it is at the same time artistic, fun, educational, scientific and economic. It will be available around several complementary spaces.
- AcquaShowroom , LeonardH2o space in homage to Leonardo Da Vinci who said “examine nature, it is your future”. This space will be at the forge of the future and will exhibit innovative start-ups whose activities are aquatically bio-inspired.
- AcquaPavillon , in the royal garden greenhouse, come and discover the virtues of informed water, osmosis water, purified water, energized water, and the benefits of Quinton water.
- AcquaTalk , the Human Safety Net auditorium will give the floor to speakers from all over the world who have come to share with us their knowledge on the water cycle, the regenerative economy and biomimicry.
- AcquaExhibitions : different Venetian and international artists will exhibit their works in different cultural spaces in the city allowing you to appreciate the power and intelligence of water through their creativity.
- AcquaHappenig : several citizen movements will be organized around these 4 days around water, sharing and conviviality.
- Acquaconcert : 2 concerts will be organized around water, peace and love. The 1st at the Goldoni theater will welcome the Monte Bello group with a special program around the theme of water. The 2nd will take place at the Conservatorio Benedetto Marcello and will welcome Luca Franzetti and the Iranian soprano from Opera for Peace Forooz Razvi.
- AcquaFilms : a selection of short and feature films around water followed by debates will take place every afternoon at the Rossini cinema in collaboration with the association which runs the acquafilm festival.
Come in large numbers. All activities will be free and open to as many people as possible.
The objective of this festival is to promote water and all aquatic ecosystems as valuable assets but also as a source of innovation for the societal model of tomorrow.
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